
Curriculum Planning

The program promotes a cross-college integrated course that is outside the box from traditional course programs, which aims to cultivate students’ interdisciplinary abilities in animation, creative cultural design, development and production. In line with professions in Animation and Comic Creative Industries Design, there are three modules in this program: Creative cultural narratives, Animation production practices, and Creative cultural products development and marketing. More details of the professional modules are as below:

Creative Cultural Narratives Module
Courses focus on producing creative cultural stories, which cultivates special talents for careers in story screenwriting, art character development, original script planning and design, creative cultural copy development, MTV copy content, and Internet literature.

Animation Production Practices Module
Courses focus on animation and comics production practices, which combine post-production visual editing, compositing, special effects and dubbing soundtrack processing as keys to development. The related techniques will be integrated in comics creation, which can cultivate students’ professional ability of comics publication procedures so that they can make contributions on related practical jobs in animation and comics publication.

Creative Cultural Products Development and Marketing Module
Courses focus on the development, design, packaging, marketing, and exhibition design of peripheral products for creative cultural animations. After graduating from the program, students can work in related professional fields such as creative cultural products design, exhibition design planning, products marketing, and advertising and marketing.

The Details of Animation and Comic Creative Industries Design Program Course Structure

Professional Competencies Requirements

1. In accordance with the Ming Chuan University Procedures for Proficiency-based Graduation Requirements, these regulations were established to improve students’ competitiveness for their future careers and further studies.

2. To attain graduation eligibility, undergraduate students who are admitted in the 2018 academic year and beyond must meet the graduation requirements specified in these procedures and the enforcement rules for Service-Learning, English proficiency, Information Technology proficiency, Chinese proficiency and Sports capability, as well as the professional competencies stated in these regulations. Graduate students must meet the graduation requirements for professional competency stated in the regulations.

3. Students are required to meet the professional competencies outlined below during their period of study:

Professional Competencies Requirements
Design thematic production ability Pass the review of the graduation thematic design report, and publish and pass the review of the public creation works
Professional ability of animation creative design Participate in major design competitions at home and abroad at least once before graduation (the works must be approved by the instructor).

4. Students who have passed the professional competencies should submit their scores or other relevant documents to Animation and Comic Creative Industries Design Program for approval. After completion of these procedures, the students will be verified as meeting the graduation requirements.

5. Upon being passed at the Department/School/Academic Affairs Committee Meetings and approved by the president, the enforcement rules were implemented. Any revision must follow the same procedures.




Independently write scripts, story outlines, and episode outlines, integrating high sensitivity of text and creation.


It has the ability of product design and packaging publicity, web page visual planning, cultural and creative product proposal and execution, market analysis, cross-team communication and so on.


Using films, videos, computers and other electronic instruments and media, special effects, animations and images are created for use in products or creations such as video games, computers, music clips or commercials.


The use of various multimedia materials to make artistic or decorative visual effects, in order to design or create graphics, to meet the advertising needs such as packaging, exhibition or trademark advertising needs or publicity needs.


Integrate script writing, character design, and drawing techniques to complete the work independently or in groups.